Monday, July 18, 2011

I don't like him but does he like me?

Well in my school my friends and i were playing this game were you write a girl or boys name on a hand and if you seen it you have to ask them out so my friend wrote on this guys hand my name and he looked at it and he asked me out so i said no because he just notice me that day so yeah! He said ok good! Then a couple of month later we had a dance and then he asked me to dance and this dude who no one likes was like i feel so bad for you, you have to dance with her and he defended me he was like you are a jerk and go away. Then when we got to school again i talk to my crush because he was at my locker and the guy who asked me to dance locker is a couple of lockers away so when he saw me he picked up his stuff and move closer to my locker and keep staring at me. He keeps doing that when i talk to my crush and once i was running for treasurer for school and he keep yelling vote i am voting for you for treasurer and stuff like that! I thought he was helping voters to vote for me and then before the election he was joking with his friend and was like weird and when he saw me he pushed his friends away smiled at me and waved so i don't know what to say like he is acting and stuff so does he like me?

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