Friday, July 15, 2011

Why are moths attracted to light, and whty do they only come out at dark if they're attracted to light? :-S?

Moths aren't attracted to light like most people think. Before humans had made fire and electricity moths used to navigate by using the light from the moon. They can only do this because the moon is so far away. For example if you wanted to head at night time just keep the moon on your right (the north) side. If you watch a moth closely you will discover that they do not fly straight but are flying curved. This is because they are trying to do that but on a match closer light. You can try it yourself, keep a street light or another source of light somewhere between your right hand side and in front of you and you will soon find yourself in a death spiral. They are mostly nocturnal creatures to avoid being eaten by birds and other insectavors. Hope that answers your question :).

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